Focals Exp

Feb 27: The first day using wearable tech was equal parts exciting and underwhelming. Most of my excitement came from unboxing the items with other users, imagining the possibilities for a device like this (augmented reality? being able to take photographs without using a handheld camera? livestreaming or viewing livefeeds in front of your eyes? real time directions without having to pay equal attention to Google Maps and the road ahead?), and the reactions from my roommates when they saw them for the first time (although one roommate asked me when I started wearing prescription glasses and why I didn't buy frames that suited my face better -- ouch). However, as much as I appreciate the modern inclination towards minimalism, the lack of clear directions definitely hindered my experience. It was initially challenging to figure out how to get started and to determine whether or not the batteries were charged. I still cannot connect the Loop to the Focals, and I'm left wond...