Light inside my eye
Wednesday March 4th
My presentation on Imagetext and composite art still lingers in my head. I wear the glasses for the first time. Image-Words that's the first little thought that lit my brain up. Where do these images come from? Information-images but only light. Do these images have tiny little pixels? I can never tell.
I open the app, have a hard time connecting the little ring with the spectacle. The left eye sees but the right eye is empty. Is there something wrong with my glasses? Google tells me it's all good. I got to call my dad and show him my glasses. I toggle a little. The game seems interesting. It goes left then up. Great I leap over one log! I try it again for 6 times. Still only one log!
I'm looking for directions. Can Alexa understand my accent? Very cool, the weather feature comes in handy. The app has little awards for progress. Great! I like the clicks. They are very cool, I feel rewarded somehow. Yes! Call my dad! My phone, whatsapp and I see a tiny little whatsapp app on my glasses. Toggle to the left. I talk to my dad, click the ring again and the call ends! I can end calls with this little ring!
Take me to "The University of Waterloo!" I knew this had something to do with voice because the design reminds me of the recording apps on my phone and computer. The words appear on the screen for a second and disappear almost instantly! Well that ends my effort to use the map today.
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